Hog Results -September 10th, 2024
793 head sold
Butchers ..... up to $57.25
Sows ..... $55.00 - $62.75
Gilts....... $53.00 - $58.00 300# and up
Boars ..... $15.00 - $20.00
Extremely thin, abscessed, and lame sows & pigs will bring less
Butchers ..... up to $57.25
Sows ..... $55.00 - $62.75
Gilts....... $53.00 - $58.00 300# and up
Boars ..... $15.00 - $20.00
Extremely thin, abscessed, and lame sows & pigs will bring less
Effective January 1, 2015, packing plants that kill sows are requiring premise identification number tags, which are USDA-approved eartags used for traceability. In order to get the best prices, please make sure all sows are tagged before bringing them to our facilities. To obtain a PIN and get tags, contact the Pork Checkoff's Service Center at (800) 456-7675.