South Dakota Dairy Slaughter Cows now accepted without testing
Pipestone Livestock can now accept cull cows from South Dakota Dairy producers without a health paper or testing. Please call or email the office for more information.

Slaughter Cow Results -November 5th, 2024

High Yielding Cows  ............. $125.00 - $136.00
Fed Cows .............. $120.00 - $136.00
Bulk of Cows ............… $100.00- $130.00
Low Yielding Cows .........… $80.00 - $100.00
Shells/Thin/Doubtful ........ $80.00 and down

These are not all sale results.
Mishandled, exotic, or odd lots could bring significantly less.

3 head........  955#.................     156.00 Rwf
1 head...…… 885#...............…    151.00 Rwf
1 head..........1130#.................   139.00 Red
2 head.......   1133#...............…  141.00 Blk
1 head.......   1665#.................   136.00 Blk
2 head........  1788#.................   135.00 Blk
2 head........  1800#.................   131.00 Blk
2 head........  1520#...............…  130.00 Blk
1 head........  1595#..................  128.00 Blk
1 head........  1440#..................  127.50 Hol
1 head........  1385#..................  125.50 Hol
3 head........  1623#..................  124.50 Blk
2 head......... 1690#....................124.00 Char
1 head........  1325#..................  123.00 Red
2 head........  1600#..................  122.50 Blk
3 head.......   1538#..................  122.00 Blk
4 head……..  1281#………………  121.50 Mix
2 head......... 1285#..................  120.00 Blk
2 head........  1518#..................  120.00 Blk
2 head.......   1128#..................  119.00 Red
1 head.......   1390#.........……     117.00 Hol
3 head.......   1857#..................  114.00 Hol
4 head........  1554#..................  112.50 Hol
3 head......... 1602#..................  111.00 Hol
2 head.......... 993#.................    109.00 Blk
2 head.......... 1493#.................. 109.00 Hol
4 head.......... 1641#.................. 104.00 Hol
2 head.........  1388#.................. 103.50 Hol
3 head.........  1540#...................103.50 Hol
2 head.........  1153#.................. 96.50 Jers
2 head........   1470#.................. 95.00 Blk
2 head........   1310#.................. 95.00 Hol
2 head........   1233#.................. 90.00 Hol
2 head........   1215#...................86.00 Blk
11 head........ 875#.................... 81.00 Longhorn


Fat Cattle Results November 5th, 2024

Heiferettes   ..... $135.00 - $170.00

Fed Beef Cattle       $173.00 - $189.00
Going back to country $
No Implants, Naturals....... $

Fed Dairy steers, heifers..... $131.00 -176.75
Dairy-X .....up to $185.00

These are not all sale results.
Mishandled, exotic, or odd lots could bring significantly less.

40 head.....    1583#.................  189.00 Blk
1 head.........  1440#.................  188.00 Blk
6 head........   1515#...............… 187.75 Char x
7 head........   1476#.................. 187.00 Blk
7 head.......    1622#.................  186.75 Red
2 head.......    1338#.................  186.25 Blk
3 head........   1345#.................  186.00 Blk
3 head.........  1583#.................  186.00 Blk
5 head.........  1364#.................. 185.75 Blk x
5 head.........  1369#.................. 185.50 Red
3 head.........  1415#.................. 185.50 Blk
2  head......... 1255#.................. 185.50 Blk
10 head.........1554#.................. 185.50 Mix
4 head.........  1665#...................185.00 Mix
10 head.........1608#.................. 185.00 Mix
2 head.........  1563#.................. 185.00 Blk x
4 head........   1590#.................. 185.00 Red
14 head.......  1398#.................  184.50 Mix
6 head.........  1337#.................  184.50 Red
5 head.........  1628#.................  183.00 Blk x
4 head.........  1638#.................. 182.00 Mix
18 head......   1457#.................. 181.00 Char
9 head........   1906#.................. 178,00 Blk x

2 head......…  1075#.................  189.00 Red
1 head........   1580#.................  188.50 Char x
2  head.......   1235#.................  188.00 Blk
3 head......     1260#.................  187.50 Char x
2 head.......    1220#.................  187.25 Mix
2 head......     1405#.................  187.00 Blk
9 head........   1358#.................  186.75 Red
1 head.........  1620#................., 186.50 Red
7 head.......... 1337#.................. 186.25 Blk
3 head........   1307#.................. 186.00 Blk x
9 head.........  1308#.................. 185.75 Blk
2 head.........  1505#.................. 185.50 Char
4 head.........  1306#.................. 185.50 Blk
5 head.........  1205#.................. 184.75 Blk
8 head.........  1179#.................. 184.50 Blk
4 head.........  1523#.................. 182.50 Mix
16 head.......  1408#.................  182.50 Char
15 head.......  1467#.................. 182.50 Mix
3 head.........  1352#..................  177.50 Rwf

Non BQA colored fats will sell at a discount

Dairy Steers results
4 head......…  1665#.................  185.00 Hol x
8 head........   1826#.................  176.75 Hol
18 head.......  1670#.................  173.00 Hol
8 head.........  1549#.................. 165.00 Hol
10 head.........1607#.................  158.00 Hol
5 head.......... 1567#................   170.50 Hol heifers
2 head........   1693#.................  162.00 Hol heifers
1 head.......... 1080#.................  162.00 Hol heifer
2 head.......... 1073#.................  160.00 Hol heifers
1 head.......... 1235#.................  155.00 Hol heifer

Make sure your Holsteins are finished. Large discounts for unfinished or poor cattle as shown in price discrepancies.

Bull Results -November 5th, 2024

Cutting Bulls up to  $
High Yielding Bulls ...….$155.00-165.00
Bulk of Bulls......… $135.00 - $150.00
Low Yielding Bulls..........   $135.00 and down

These are not all sale results.
Mishandled, exotic, or odd lots could bring significantly less.